OneLifeX Air Purifier

In any modern city today, breathing fresh natural air is almost a rarity. Air pollution is becoming rampant in most livable areas. This has caused people to consider getting cleaner air by artificial means. Clean breathing air nowadays means having to purify the air in your surrounding using gadgets like the OneLifeX Air Purifier.

Filters Finer Particles From The Air

Using the OneLifeX Air Purifier is one of the more modern ways to ensure that you can enjoy breathing clean air at home. The most common HEPA-based air purifiers out there can capture particles no smaller than 0.3 micrometer. The OneLifeX Air Purifier does it better. It makes use of plasma-field technology to purify air more efficiently. This air purifier can trap and eliminate all airborne particles as small as 0.01 micrometer. It does so by charging up the pollutant particles as it passes through the plasma field. The charged pollutants then stick into the collector sheets before coming out as clean air.

The OneLifeX Air Purifier also makes use of a high-precision laser sensor to detect the presence of airborne pollutants as small as 1 micrometer. When it detects them, the air purifier then kicks into high gear into removing the harmful particles in just minutes in order to give you clean air to breathe.

One benefit of this type of air purifier is that it purifies the air without restricting the airflow. This makes the OneLifeX Air Purifier run on little energy and on virtually silent mode. Another big advantage is that using plasma field technology does not require any filter replacements to work efficiently. All it requires is a thorough washing or putting the plasma filter on the dishwasher to clean out the particles it captures. This makes it less costly to purify the air in your home over time.

The OneLifeX Air Purifier comes in a small but elegant easy-to-carry design with an outer body made out of bamboo planks. It holds the inner filter part in such a way as to leave a gap on the top and bottom, allowing better airflow. The filter mass also swivels forwards and backwards, allowing users to point the purified air outlet anywhere they wish. The OneLifeX Air Purifier is available for pre-order for around US$799 on Indiegogo. It is expected to ship sometime around March of next year.

Image Source: Indiegogo

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