Llamasters Card Game Uses Augmented Reality

Card games are always fun to play with friends. But after a time of playing the same thing over and over again, it can get pretty boring. Soon enough, you might be looking for some new game to play with. If you are a fan of card games, then this new Llamasters will help provide some added excitement to your usual party card game. 

The new Llamasters card game is aimed for added fun at parties of gatherings. It also comes with some interesting gameplay with a unique technological touch. It adds augmented reality and your smartphone into the excitement of the game. The deck contains 3 types of cards- action cards, magic cards, and collectibles. The collectible cards activate the magic cards and the action cards set the play and action.

The objective of the game is simple- protect your king or queen card. Players start with picking five cards, which include the king or queen, and 2 magic cards. It takes some strategy since some cards like the Killer Sloth will kill the king or queen, that is, unless the player has a Llama Guard as one of the cards. But even if you lose by losing your king or queen, there is still a way to win the game. It is one of the unique features of this card game.

Players who are out can still stay in the game and take advantage of the augmented reality feature using the Llamasters App downloaded on their smartphone. With the smartphone, you may be able to look through the top card of the deck, thanks to augmented reality. This will give players another chance to win even when they already lost. They just need to look out for the right card through their smartphone in order to get back into the game. There is a strategy that makes the Llamasters Card Game quite fun and interesting.

The makers of the Llamasters Card Game have recently concluded a successful crowd funding campaign. It is now available for pre-order at the Llamasters website for US$45 in order to get an 85-card box collection. It is expected to be delivered sometime in the first week of June this year.

Image Source: Llamasters    

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